

Flat paintbrush with slanted edge, in other words with two different fiber lenghts.


All the hairs or fibers required for the manufacture of a series of brushes.


The capillarity depends on the intrinsic structure of each hair or each fiber. It is the colour absorption capacity.
The more the bristle or hair is tapered, the more its belly is accentuated, the better its capillary retention and the more regular the distribution of colour.

Cat's tongue

Pointed filbert. It permits to work with the point, the edge and tint areas.


Measured on the ferrule, just where the hair or bristles strat.


Paintbrush manufactured with a curved shape. When wet it "forms a point".


Refers to flat paintbrushes seen in profile.


Refers to flat paintbrushes seen in profile.


Brush manufactured in such a way that it is shaped as if it has already been used, thus avoiding it having to be "broke in".

Fiber length

Apparent length of the hairs, bristles, or fibers from the tip to the ferrule.


The most tapered and the lightest end of a hair, bristle, or fiber ("on flag" : paintbrush assembled on its flag).

Head to foot

Flag at the bottom of the hundle or tuft and the root at the top. Due to its conical shape, a single hair can separate the point of a round paintbrush into two.


Round brush with a long or extra long fiber lenght. For fine lines, decorative painting and marine painting.

Long flat

Its length is more or less twice as much longer than its edge.


Pincelière (french term for a fine brush brushmaker or craftsperson). This craft industry, normally carried out by women due to the need for sensitivity and precision of the fingers, requires up to 6 years of training before being able to fully master the manufacture of a sable paintbrush.


End of a round brush.


Physical capacity of a hair or a fiber to recover its initial shape more or less quickly. It is also sometimes known as "shape memory".


The thickest and heaviest end of a hair (on root: brush assembled on the root).

Short flat

Square brush, length more or less equal to its width.


With a square edge (as opposed to pointed on round or flat brush).


From the ferrule to the level with fiber.


Measured on the ferrule, just where the hair or bristles strat.